
Sign ups

Trip sign-ups will be 100% virtual this year. Email the GEOINT ski council at geointski@emaildodo.com, GEOINTSkiClub@nga.mil, or contact council members directly. You can find names, and numbers on our contact page. Someone will get back to you regarding signup. If it is a bus trip and the bus is full, you will be put on a wait list and will be contacted in case of a cancellation but will not be asked to pay until a seat is available.

Day Trip Bus Policy

Buses in 2025 will be run for Timberline, Camelback and the 7 Springs trip, however for Timberline we will pick up only in Springfield. The Ski Club is charging $5 for the day trip buses FOR NGA EMPLOYEES (Govies, contractors, military, and retirees) AND IMMEDIATE FAMILY MEMBERS!!! We will continue to charge the $25.00 bus fee for friends and extended family members. You must pay for the day lift ticket, bus fee, and any other charges at the time of sign up in order to hold a spot on the bus. Without payment, you will be placed on the wait list until payment is received. If you are an extended family member or friend, you will not get your bus seat fee of $25.00 refunded if you have to cancel unless you find a replacement for your seat on the bus or a person on the wait list can take your place.


Refunds for day trips will only be offered for lift tickets, rentals or lessons if they can be canceled prior to payment at the resort. It is your responsibility to notify the trip leader as soon as you can to cancel. Refunds for our other trips are based on tour operator policies, and our recoverable expenses at the time of your cancellation. For more information on our multi-day trip refunds contact the trip leader(s), or contact our Treasurer, Chris Sisson for refunds, 301-848-0217.

Payment Method

The Ski Council is accepting payment via electronic means (PayPal, Venmo or Zelle), check, and cash. Due to planning purposes and reservations, payments must reach us a minimum of ten (10) working days prior to the trip. Any ski council member can accept cash or check payments for the trips, however the individual trip captains can sign you up and provide additional information about the trip. Please coordinate payment as follows: CHECK PAYMENTS Chris Sisson C/O GEOINT Ski Club 10721 Greene Dr.; Lorton, VA 22079. If using a check make the check out to GEOINT Ski Council. DIGITAL PAYMENTS PayPal and Venmo contact: ngaskiclubcouncil@gmail.com (for PayPal, please select Friends and Family) Contact Chris Sisson at 301-848-0217 for Zelle or if you have any questions or issues. If you have any trouble finding a council member just send an email to geointski@emaildodo.com, or GEOINTSkiClub@nga.mil. If you have not paid within 10 working days prior to the trip, the trip captain will contact you to arrange for payment, or you could be replaced by an individual from the wait list.

Contact Us

We're not around right now. But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap.